Chapter 509

Dongfang Ling was taken aback, but immediately realized what she was going to do.

So he quickly stepped back half a body, giving her a place to come out.

The woman landed steadily on his horse's back, like a fairy who descended from the sky, exuding a faint fragrance of orchids, causing the colorful butterflies among the bushes to give up their original fragrance of flowers and linger around her instead. .

The accompanying soldiers on horseback were almost dumbfounded. Although the 100 of them saw Murong Xue almost every day, she always wore men's clothes when she came to the teaching ground, and she changed into women's clothes after all. So charming.

In the past, the hidden guards only knew that she was as beautiful as a poisonous scorpion.

But it wasn't until this moment that she realized that Princess Luoxue is ever-changing!
She can be the sharpest weapon on the battlefield, and at the same time the most charming flower in Ling Wangfu's arms.

The two of them rode together and walked towards the capital of Dashun.

Murong Xue suddenly felt a little nervous.

She spread her arms, breathed hard, and said to herself in her heart: This is the air of Dashun, the hometown of Tang Chu...

When I lowered my arms, the flowers among the bushes seemed to be more colorful than those on the previous section of the road.

Looking at it, she felt that those flowers were like Tang Chu's smile, harmless and innocent.Even if he hit someone with his hands and showed such a smiling face, the other party would not bear to fight back.

So she also laughed, unconsciously grinning the corners of her mouth, just like Tang Chu, showing two rows of white teeth.

However, the person beside him spoke coldly at this moment.

He says--

"Stop laughing! Why does my heart feel uneasy when you smile like this?"

She was slightly stunned, and really wanted to ask if there was really telepathy, why did he notice it as soon as she thought about it?

However, he finally held back.

(End of this chapter)

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