Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 530 You salute the princess

Chapter 530 You salute the princess
Xiyao trembled subconsciously, and backed away involuntarily.

Yin Yi sees this farce, and also sees the different people in front of her.

In the end, he sighed softly, and then said to Murong Xue:

"Azhu, you have grown up, but your appearance has not changed, you are still so beautiful."

Dongfang Ling couldn't stand it anymore, stretched out his hand to grab the shoulders of the people around him, smoothed the hair on her forehead, and then said to Yin Yi:

"Prince Dongsheng, did you recognize the wrong person? Since when did I, Yanchi's Princess Luoxue, become A Zhu?" Looking at the other party's slightly dazed eyes, he suddenly said, "Dongsheng minister belongs to Yanchi, This is Princess Luoxue bestowed by my father, please give me a present!"

In a word, everyone froze in place.

Murong Xue raised her head, and looked at Dongfang Ling with adoring eyes.

Such an instant kill, only a person like him can say it.

But what he said was the truth. According to his status, Dongsheng's people wanted to salute Princess Yanchi.

Yinyao happily saluted and said crisply at the same time:
"Yanyao pays respects to Princess Luoxue, the princess is blessed and safe!"

Recluse and helpless, do the same.

Seeing that both of them saluted, Xiyao had no choice but to bend down.

But before she could speak, Yinyao suddenly said:

"You have to kneel down! How can a mere princess perform the same ceremony as us!"

Yin Yi reprimanded it with her eyes, but the little girl turned a blind eye.

Suddenly, he felt that such a fight was meaningless, so he tugged at the corner of Dongfang Ling's clothes and whispered:
"Let's go out with Yao'er to get some air! It's really annoying here."

He nodded and whispered in his ear:
"Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need." Pulling Yinyao again, "I'll just stay with Yao'er, if you don't go far, just stay at the door for a while."

After finishing speaking, Ignoring everyone's feedback, I dragged Yinyao to the gate of Wenlefang.

(End of this chapter)

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