Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 558 Ordinary chapter questions rise to the height of politics

Chapter 558 Ordinary topics rise to the level of politics

But this may be a common problem of human beings. When a person says he wants to marry you, you will naturally reject another person who likes him.

It makes no sense!
In fact... She lowered her head slightly. In fact, it would be good if Yinyao sat in the position of the princess. She and Tang Chu are so similar. If there are two people with such bright smiles in Dashun Kingdom, this country will definitely be more beautiful Bar!
"Hey!" Suddenly he rose up, and nudged Dongfang Ling beside him with his elbow.

The other party turned his head and asked in a low voice:
"what happened?"

She pointed to Yinyao, then to Tang Chu, and said softly:

"Look! Yao'er and Tang Chu look good together? It would be a good fit for them to be together."

Dongfang Ling didn't expect her to ask some questions. He was startled for a while, then shook his head immediately, and said without thinking:
"Not suitable!"


"How can the prince of Dashun marry the princess of Dongsheng?"

Murong Xue was puzzled,
"But didn't the emperor of Dashun also marry a princess of Dongsheng?"

"That's different! Concubine Yin Shu is just a concubine, different from the crown princess. The imperial concubine is just a member of the beauties in the harem, but the crown princess is the future queen. It is impossible for Emperor Dashun not to consider the consequences of such a marriage. What kind of political situation is coming, and for Yanchi, that is too unfavorable."

Dongfang Ling's words made the atmosphere heavy again, she had to sigh lowly, any topic could be extended to the level of politics.Compared with the people of Dashun, the people of Yanchi lived a sad life.

"Xuexue!" Suddenly there was a voice, so familiar.

When she raised her head, it was Tang Chu who came to her side at some point and was looking at her with a sunny smile on her face.

"Hey! Tang Chu!" This excited response came from the heart and was uncontrollable.

(End of this chapter)

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