Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 560 Who Exactly is Miss Yuan'er

Chapter 560 Who Exactly is Miss Yuan'er
This change is very good. First, it distracts people from paying attention to them. Second, Dongfang Ling also feels that it is much better to divert the topic in a timely manner than to keep entangled.

Sometimes there is no need to hold on to one thing. Maybe let it go temporarily and discuss it after everyone calms down. More satisfactory results will be obtained.

The most important thing is that this woman is still by her side, isn't she?

He knew Murong Xue well, she was definitely not an indecisive person.

If she was sure that Tang Chu was what she wanted, then she should have gone with him long ago instead of staying by his side.

Of course, this is also a way for him to comfort himself.

In the face of love, people always act differently from the past, everyone is like this, and they are no exception.

While thinking, there was a different movement at the door of Wenlefang.

It is no longer a group of dancers who are coquettish or enthusiastically running on the stage, but four men in dance costumes are carrying a thick blanket.

A young woman is sitting sideways on the blanket, wearing a gold ornament on her head, and a shining golden dance dress that beautifully presents the exquisite curves of her body.The upper and lower body are not connected, revealing a small section of white belly.Even the veil that was covered was made of gold thread, and with those charming eyes, it caught everyone's attention at once.

At a glance, Murong Xue recognized that it was a very typical Indian dance costume.

It's just that she didn't have more time to think about what India is called in this time and space, and she didn't have time to think about whether some foreign people came to the mainland, or this girl once went to another land.

At this moment, all her energy has been attracted by that woman.

Although the clothes and appearance have completely lost their original appearance, even though that face only reveals a pair of bright beautiful eyes except for the veil and forehead pendant.

But she still recognized the person, and clearly knew who the so-called "Yuan'er girl" was!
(End of this chapter)

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