Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 565 Either admit defeat or help me

Chapter 565 Either admit defeat or help me

"Have you admitted defeat?" A voice came from behind.

She turned around, but it was hermit.

"Actually, I have already recognized it." The corner of his mouth was pulled slightly, and he wanted to ask him to call him brother, but he finally held back the words.

He didn't recognize her, he had already said that.

"Then why are you still struggling?" Yin Yi sat on a big rock and looked at her calmly.

But Xiyao saw a trace of provocation in his eyes.

"I know I have an appointment with you." She said lightly, "I also know that if I hadn't said that I wanted to marry Dongfang Ling, you would not have agreed to my stay in Dongsheng. Although the Emperor and Concubine Yi wanted to keep me, but If you don't nod, they won't give me a princess either."

Yin Yi nodded and said to herself:

"Smart?" She sighed bitterly, "It's a fool. I know that I can't compete at all, and I can't win, but I just can't swallow this breath, and I just can't take back my heart."

When he said this, he looked at Yin Yi again, and suddenly he smiled a little, and then said:

"It's the same for you, isn't it? You saw it just now. She not only has Dongfang Ling by her side, but now there is a prince of Dashun. Although you also have a rich and glamorous identity, the prince of Dongsheng is compared to Yanchi. Compared with Dashun, it seems nothing at all."

These words successfully angered Yin Yi, but he had learned to bear it long ago, even though he was extremely angry, he did not show it clearly.

It's just that Xiyao can see it clearly and is happy in his heart.

"So—" she said again: "Either we all admit defeat, or... just help me!"

...The two were silent for a long time, and I don't know how long they stood, Yin Yi finally nodded, then raised an evil smile, looked at Xiyao, and said——

"There is a strategy, but I don't know if you have the guts to try it!"


(End of this chapter)

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