Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 570 Tell me!Say what you want!

Chapter 570 Tell me!Say what you want!
What everyone was pointing at was nothing more than all kinds of guesses about Xiyao's naked body and Dongfang Ling who was also in full body.

There was even a voice, saying—

"Isn't that the princess of Dongsheng? Why are you naked with King Ling of Yanchi?"

"How will this girl marry in the future!"

"Who are you marrying! That King Ling can just marry and go home!"

These words came to Murong Xue's ears, as if they were arranged in advance, just waiting for the play to start, and the audience gathered around to comment.

Of course, all the spearheads were pointed at Dongfang Ling.

After looking at other people's bodies, it is natural to be responsible.

What theory is this?
Xiyao's crying gradually started, and it couldn't stop after a while.

Dongfang Ling watched this farce with a half-smile, but his eyes had already stopped looking at Xiyao.

He just turned his head subconsciously, looking around for something.

When they finally saw Murong Xue, when their eyes met, they both smiled wryly at the same time.

Dongfang Ling shrugged and pointed to the ground.

Where the finger falls is exactly where Xiyao is.

Murong Xue didn't say anything, and she showed no expression.

They all knew that this was definitely not a coincidence, but some brainless people arranged a brainless drama.

No one moved anymore, they were waiting.

Who are you waiting for?

Nature is reclusive.

Murong Xue knew that this matter had nothing to do with Yin Yi, Xiyao couldn't make this noise by herself.

Behind her, there must be another person who made a bad move. Now that things are done, that person should also appear.

Sure enough, not long after, Yin Yi rushed over with a group of people waiting.

After seeing Xiyao, he exclaimed, and immediately a servant stepped forward to cover him with clothes and helped him up.

Dongfang Ling turned to look at him, and said directly——

"Say it! Say what you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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