Chapter 576 She has to escape

The mother of Tian Song and Dance Workshop set her price extremely high, buying her for one night is enough to buy a house in Shundu City.

Of course, there are not many people who can afford this price, but there are also many.

There are even a very small number of people who don't need to pay, because the officials are so powerful that the Tian Song and Dance Club can't afford to provoke them.

And the palace is the place where this kind of people gather.

The hand holding the quilt couldn't help trembling. It is said that she has gradually gotten used to this kind of thing over the years, but for some reason, after meeting Murong Xue and Dongfang Ling, she began to feel extremely disgusted with her current situation. .

She even hated and disliked herself, and she couldn't bear to soak her whole body in the water and let the boiling water help her skin peel off.

She has no way to receive your lord under such circumstances, if she must, she might as well die!

Seeing that there was no reply for a long time, the people outside waited impatiently, they knocked on the door again, and urged:

"Miss Yuan'er! Give me a word, whether you see it or not!"

At this time, Murong Xue had already stood up, grabbed the clothes in her hands and quickly put them on her body, while looking around, looking for a way to escape from time to time.

In the past two or three years, she has stopped doing this matter of running away. People who have accepted their fate, what else is there to run away?

But not now!

She can't receive your lord here, Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue are here, she doesn't have that face.

At this time, there was a loud knock on the door, and then someone kicked the door open.

At this moment, Murong Shuang was leaning on the window with one hand, one foot had been raised, and she was about to step on the chair.

The man who broke in saw this posture, rushed forward in a few steps, grabbed her by the collar and pulled her over.

She subconsciously hugged her head and squatted down, which is a self-protection action she learned long ago when she was beaten.

(End of this chapter)

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