Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 587 One will accompany you to see the stars, and the other will accompany you to pick the st

Chapter 587 One will accompany you to see the stars, and the other will accompany you to pick the stars
Shuang'er blinked, watched her think for a long time, and then said:

"Sister, are you asking me which one is more suitable to be my future brother-in-law?" The girl smiled mischievously, "Sister, you are two years older than me, but why are you more confused than me in this kind of thing!" Standing up, he said seriously: "As far as I am concerned, both of them are good. It is the first time I have met Prince Dashun, but the people in Dashun all say that he is good, so I think he is not bad. As for King Ling...he So strong, as strong as my elder sister. If elder sister wants to find someone to watch the stars with, then choose Prince Dashun. If elder sister wants to find someone to pick stars together, then choose King Ling!"


Tang Chu never dreamed that Murong Xue would take the initiative to come to him!

When he heard the maid say that the hot Princess Luoxue was coming, the sip of tea he was drinking came out of his mouth gorgeously.

I have long been accustomed to the exaggerated performance of my prince, and all the servants kept their eyes on each other, as if that Yimu never happened at all.

Tang Chu stood up all of a sudden, and ran past the people at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint.

When he stood in the yard, he found that Murong Xue was sitting on a small stone bench, looking around at his palace yard, while shaking the flower branch in his hand, pulling down the flowers again and again. .

The petals scattered all over the ground, and many of them fell on her pure white dress.The light pink flowers and the white background make her look like a flower fairy.

Tang Chu really wanted to yell at Xuexue like before, and then rush up, even if she pushed her back again, it would be very interesting.

But at this moment, he didn't want to move anymore.

I just want to look at this woman quietly like this, even though she is still looking quite unruly at this time, even crossing her legs.

But she is beautiful, no matter what she looks or does, she is beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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