Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 589 She Was Almost Driven Crazy by Tang Chu

Chapter 589 She Was Almost Driven Crazy by Tang Chu
"Xuexue, why did you come to find me?" Tang Chu tilted her head to look at her, "Did you miss me so much, so you couldn't help thinking about me, so you came here?"

"Fantasy your spring and autumn dream!" She was helpless, "Tang Chu, you are really inseparable from your nature, and you will feel uncomfortable if you don't get scolded several times a day!"

"Who else dares to scold me but you!" He puffed out his chest seriously, and then said to himself: "Oh, yes, there are also the father and the mother. But the father never scolds, and the mother is a bit Violence, not only scolding me, but also hitting me. Hey! Xuexue, you two are very similar in this!"

Murong Xue felt that she was about to go crazy, as long as she met Tang Chu, he was capable of driving her emotions to extremes.

Either laugh, cry, or, as it is now, -- grumpy!
She was going crazy, and began to feel that Dongfang Ling's proposal last night was not good at all.

Would Tang Chu be a good tour guide?
Certainly not!

He'd just make her freak out again and again, throw her into a rage again and again.

"If I beat you later, don't bark! I don't want your servants of Dashun to watch your prince get beaten!"

Squeezing out such a sentence from the teeth, then stood up, grabbed Tang Chu's collar again, and said:

"Go! Take me around in your Dashun palace and see the scenery!"

Tang Chu chuckled, and while catching up with Murong Xue who had already walked towards the gate of the palace courtyard, he leaned over and whispered in her ear:

"Xuexue, don't you want to familiarize yourself with the route of the Dashun Palace, and then bring Yanchi's soldiers and horses to rush in?" While speaking, she shuddered exaggeratedly, "Scared me to death! Xuexue actually You don't have to work so hard, anyway, this palace will be mine sooner or later, and I will be yours sooner or later. So you just need to marry here!"

(End of this chapter)

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