Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 596 The Ideal Couple Combination

Chapter 596 The Ideal Couple Combination

"People who hate Dongsheng?" Tang Chu tilted his head, "But I think you and Yinyao are pretty good."

"She's an exception." He said lightly, then immediately changed his expression, winked at Tang Chu, and said, "Yinyao is good, do you want to think about it?"

Tang Chu was taken aback for a moment, and then reflected what she meant by what she said, but looked at Murong Xue as if listening to a joke, and then burst out laughing.

"Xuexue, what are you talking about!"

"I said that you and Yinyao are very suitable. You see that you are so similar, you have the same temperament, you also talk alike, and even the way you smile is the same."

"That's why it's even more impossible!" The boat had swung into the lake, and there was still a distance from the lotus, but it was obvious that neither of them had any interest in going there.

So he simply dropped the paddle and let the boat float by itself.

"Xuexue." Tang Chu sat forward, and the two of them faced each other, very close. "It's because I am so similar to her, so there is no possibility at all. Think about it, I am already like this, and then find another woman like me. The two of us will live together for a lifetime, just like looking in the mirror every day. What's the point of that?" Xuexue, it’s impossible to laugh and laugh all the time in life, and there are times when you need to be quiet. Don’t you think that people with two opposite personalities are the best companions? Just like my father and mother, if my mother also With the same temperament as the father, there must be constant struggles and tragedies in this palace. If the father and the mother have the same temperament, then the world of Dashun would not be as prosperous as it is today."

Stretching out his hand to poke the face of the person in front of him, and seeing Murong Xue's staring and angry look, Tang Chu thought it was very amusing.

"Xuexue, between two people, there must always be one who adjusts the other, and one who restrains the other. This is the best combination."

(End of this chapter)

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