Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 600 How did I give birth to such a pedantic son

Chapter 600 How did I give birth to such a pedantic son
Empress rubbed her hands in embarrassment, pointed to those unattractive dishes and said:
"Don't mind me! I seldom cook since I entered the palace, my hands are all raw, and it doesn't look very good, but the taste is still good! Try it!"

While talking, he put a piece of what looked like meat into Murong Xue's bowl.

Murong Xue didn't dislike it either, and happily put it in her mouth.

Yes, although it looks ugly, it still tastes good.

Tang Chu frowned as he watched from the side, as if what Murong Xue had swallowed was poison, and curled his lips repeatedly.

"What are you looking at!" Seeing his appearance, the queen directly slapped him on the head: "Didn't you eat the things I made when you were young? You hate it now!"

Murong Xue secretly laughed in her heart, she only thought that Tang Chu has such a queen mother, God really has eyes!
With his rage that kills people, he needs to have such a person by his side, who can beat and beat.

"Hey!" Tang Chu stopped doing it, "I am also the prince of a country anyway, so you can't save me some face? Hit me again! And oh! Mother, you have to call yourself your own palace in front of outsiders, why me?" mine!"

Another slap to greet him.

Empress Dashun started banging her head on the table——

"Xuexue, tell me, why did I give birth to such a pedantic son!" Then she raised her head and looked at Tang Chu viciously. After a while, she squeezed out a sentence from between her teeth - "Don't say this Gong, what can you do to me? Your royal father can't control me, so it's your turn to control me?"

This time, Murong Xue directly sprayed out a mouthful of tea without being polite at all.

It made the queen beat her back again and again, and muttered from time to time:

"It's all Chu'er's fault, causing us Xuexue to choke."

But after all, in the end, I have to speak for my son——

(End of this chapter)

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