Chapter 609
But strange to say, he never had the idea of ​​taking over this piece of land.

Of course, whether you can beat this point is the main reason for consideration.

But at the same time, he really couldn't bear to let the war happen in this beautiful country.

Especially after he came to Dashun again after he became an adult, that kind of thinking became more determined.

People always want to keep a paradise for themselves, although this paradise does not belong to him, but seeing the people of Dashun living so comfortably, and the royal family of Dashun... Uh, in the words of Murong Xue It is "entertainment spirit".

Seeing this, how could he have the heart to destroy this beauty with his own hands?
Stepping into the bamboo forest, the two stopped.

Dongfang Ling stretched his muscles and bones, and then said:
"It's been a long time since I've been active, how about practicing?"

She raised her eyebrows,
"Practice, practice, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

After speaking, the two quickly separated and opened up at a distance of nearly ten years.

He drew out a soft sword from his waist, and she also took out eight silver needles from her brocade bag and held them between her fingers.

Although the weapons were exposed, there was no murderous intent between the two of them. On the contrary, there was an indescribable lingering feeling.

At this moment, Murong Xue suddenly felt that she should hold a flute and circle around Dongfang Ling's side while playing it.

But after another moment, she felt that in such a bamboo forest, she should play the piano on the floor, while Dongfang Ling held a long Xiao, and the two played the Qin and Xiao together, which should be more beautiful than practicing skills.

Obviously, Dongfang Ling also thought of this.

So they looked at each other again and smiled, and while laughing, the figure jumped up and went straight up.

The movement is not fast, but very elegant.

He pointed the sword straight at her, and she also stretched out her hand, the silver needle stood upright, rushed towards the oncoming sword and sent it.

The two people who were facing each other with swords were all smiles, and just when the point of the sword was about to meet the point of the needle, they stopped together suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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