Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 616 Ask the Qian Family for Help

Chapter 616 Ask the Qian Family for Help

Not only is she the daughter-in-law recognized by the second prince Yanchi, even the prince of Dashun only loves her.

His own daughter once said that it was Murong Xue who made Tang Chu decide to marry her.

She won't rob us, otherwise, she won't be able to marry into the Tang family for the rest of her life.

"Qian Xiangguo!" Seeing people get out of the sedan chair, Murong Xue raised her voice again and clasped her fists together: "Don't mind Xiangguo, I am in this body just for the convenience of going out of the palace."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Xiangguo discovered her attire.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, even though she was disguised as a man, this Princess Luoxue was so handsome that no one in the world could match her.

"So it's Princess Luoxue." After all, it was the prime minister of a country, no matter what he thought in his heart, when he opened his mouth, he was neither humble nor overbearing. "I don't know if Princess Luoxue stopped the old man, but something happened?"

Murong Xue nodded, and then looked at the servants around her.

Xiangguo understood, so he quickly withdrew from the crowd.

When no one disturbed her, she spoke again:

"I have something to ask for help from Xiangye today. If I take the liberty to block the sedan chair, don't take offense if I forget Xiangye."

"Hey! What's so strange!" Xiangguo waved his hands cheerfully.

This kind of attitude is unique to Dashun people. From the emperor to the ministers, almost no airs are too big.

Especially for guests like Murong Xue, she was very kind.

"Princess Luoxue just speak up if she has something to say, as long as this old man can help, I will do my best!"


Few people know why Miss Yuan'er suddenly became the younger sister of Princess Yanchi Luoxue.

There are also many people who are guessing how the Tian Song and Dance Workshop, which has always been above the ground, is willing to bow its head on this matter.

You know, without Yuan'er, Tian Song and Dance Workshop will immediately drop to a new level, and it is even very likely that it will never recover from a setback.

Naturally, Tian Song and Dance Workshop understands this truth, but because of the dumb, they have to eat if they don't want to.

Even Murong Shuang's contract of prostitution was taken back without spending a penny, because the one who went to the dance studio to retrieve the contract in person that day was the future princess of Dashun Kingdom——Qian Can'er!

(End of this chapter)

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