Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 643 Dongfang Ling and Tang Chu Arrive

Chapter 643 Dongfang Ling and Tang Chu Arrive
Murong Xue didn't know what was going on, why this happened all of a sudden.

But it must be because of the smell just now, it is very likely that it is a drug, but why is the drug so powerful that it knocks people unconscious without even giving her a breath?

In a trance, it seemed that someone pulled her body up.

When I stood still again, there was a gust of cold wind blowing from the bottom up behind me.

She immediately realized that she should have been pulled to the edge of the cliff.

At this moment, I could hear the sound of horseshoes coming from far and near, and someone was yelling at her——

"Xuexue! Xuexue!"

Deep guilt rose from her heart, and she could hear Tang Chu's voice.

I only sighed that in the end it still made him unable to get married, and I really committed a crime.

The person who held her hostage naturally realized that someone was chasing her in this direction, and the arms around her neck became tighter.

The sound of horseshoes stopped not far away, but someone sternly shouted and said——

"Xiyao! What on earth do you want to do!"

It's Dongfang Ling!

Of course she could tell that it was Dongfang Ling.

Xiyao had already been rescued by his companions, and was standing beside Murong Xue, looking at the person with hatred in his eyes.

At this time, Dongfang Ling was about to get extremely angry, and he really regretted not listening to Shuang'er at the beginning, so he simply killed her, and it was over.

How much trouble does this woman have to cause?

That Dongsheng, can he save it until the day he ascends the throne before making a big move?
He cracked his joints, watching his beloved woman being hijacked and standing on the edge of the cliff, but he didn't know how to rescue her.

"You said—" He raised his hand again and pointed at Xiyao who was glaring at him, "Tell me your conditions, as long as you let the snow go, the king will naturally agree!"

While he was saying this, Tang Chu's gaze was fixed on Murong Xue's feet.

(End of this chapter)

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