Chapter 647 Rescue
Shuang'er's words brought everyone's thoughts back to a few years ago, and even Bi Qing had to blame herself for not looking for it.

They only looked for the main street, but forgot to knock on the door of every house.

If not, maybe...

However, there are not so many ifs, things have happened, and no amount of regret will be of any use to the person who has been hurt.

Shuang'er's words continued, she said:
"There was a time when I was very grateful to Master. It was because of him that I was not forced to fall into prostitution. But I never thought that just when I thought the dance I had learned was perfect, he suddenly brought me to Dashun, and sold me into Tian Song and Dance Workshop..."

The girl's voice became smaller and smaller, and everyone could guess what happened next.

Murong Xue took the initiative to stop her from continuing, but Shuang'er shook her head, and continued:

"The person who played the flute was my master. I recognized his figure and smell. But I never saw his face, even when he taught me how to dance. Appeared at night. Sister—"

The fear in the girl's heart reappeared, so she held Murong Xue's hand tightly and said:

"Sister, thank you for not abandoning me. I was so scared just now. My past days will be repeated again. I..."

"Okay!" Dongfang Ling interrupted her, even though he was the cold-faced King Ling, he couldn't help but be moved by what happened to Shuang'er. "Hermitage is no longer in Dashun."

Suddenly the topic changed, but he looked at Murong Xue, and said again:

"A few days after he claimed to be sick, [-]% of the people have already left!"

Everyone in the room was silent, Biqing pulled Shuang'er and left quietly, only Dongfang Ling and Murong Xue were left looking at each other.

After a long time, they all uttered——


(End of this chapter)

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