Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 657 Tang Chu's Gift

Chapter 657 Tang Chu's Gift

The two men looked at each other seriously, just like that time at the gate of the palace, but at this moment, there was a sense of sympathy for each other.

After a while, the two reached out their hands at the same time, clenched their fists, then stretched forward together, and bumped into one place with a "bang".

Then, haha ​​laughter broke out between the two men.

Heartfelt and sincere.

"Xuexue let you take it, so I can rest assured." Tang Chu's voice was soft and faint, as if she said it casually, but it also seemed to be a serious entrustment.

Like a loved one, full of love and care.

Dongfang Ling also nodded, and promised him——

"Don't worry, it will make this girl happy."

Tang Chu was bitter, with a little bit of bitterness.

"Actually, I wanted to give her happiness!" Then scratched her head, "But Xuexue... hey, forget it! It's all in the past." Looking at Murongxue again, he said: "Xuexue, you have to remember, Dashun is your natal family, no matter what happens, you have to remember to come back more often in the future, I... I and the queen mother will miss you very much."

There are still two words that I really want to be hidden in my heart. Since I have decided to let go, let's take back the "I really want, I really want, I really want"!

He raised his hand, and suddenly countless strong men sprang out from the jungle behind him.

Those people were all riding on horses, their appearances were very casual, and at first glance they looked no different from ordinary people.

But people with a discerning eye can still see that under the ordinary attire, they all have excellent kung fu.

"Tang Chu!" Murong Xue pointed at these people, "Why are you doing this?"

"Send you off!" He answered simply, "The journey is dangerous, you only bring these ten soldiers, how can it be enough!"

Seeing that Murong Xue was about to speak, he quickly waved his hand again——

"I know that the ten people you bring are not ordinary soldiers. But no matter how good their skills are, so what? After all, ten people are still too few."

(End of this chapter)

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