Chapter 660
He nodded, hummed lightly, and then said:

"Entering is definitely possible, it's just a question of whether you can enter or not."

Pointing to his team again, he said:

"Although our journey is smooth, the smoother it is, the greater the difficulties ahead. No matter how secretive our whereabouts are, it is impossible not to be discovered. I am afraid that our movements at this moment have long been counted Master it, just wait for us to take the initiative to deliver it to your door!"

"Will Dongfanghan not let you go back to Yanchi, or will he fight you in Yanchi territory?" She turned her head and thought for a while, then said: "Is he not afraid of offending everyone?"

"Crowd anger?" Dongfang Ling shrugged his shoulders and sneered, "Where are there crowds? Nine out of ten people in the government and the public are nothing. When you are strong, he will cling to you. When others are strong, he will naturally To curry favor with others."

Murong Xue smiled helplessly,
"That's right! What's more, the third prince coerced the emperor to order the princes. Even if there are still a few people who have backbone, they can't ignore the safety of the emperor. If I knew this is the case today, I would fight with him in Dongsheng. When the time comes, I should simply get rid of him, and save myself a lot of trouble."

"Don't mention it!" Dongfang Ling waved his hand, "It's useless to talk about the past. I'm thinking about what to do if I can't enter the city smoothly tomorrow?"

He had just finished speaking when he saw the woman beside him put her index finger on her lips suddenly, and made a silent movement with him.

Dongfang Ling immediately realized that she must have discovered something.

Murong Xue's intuition is always much sharper than ordinary people, many times she will find out the abnormality before him.

Dongfang Ling believed her [-]%, so when she signaled to silence, he also gestured to make the generals stop whispering.

(End of this chapter)

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