Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 663 Fighting poison with poison, distorting music with distortion

Chapter 663 Fighting poison with poison, distorting music with distortion

The sound of the flute was so melodious that people couldn't even see the piper's mouth moving.

That flute sound was different from before, even completely opposite to it.

Walk gently, slowly bringing a kind of relief and release to everyone.

Like the spring breeze caressing the face, those soldiers who were still having a splitting headache just now seemed to have a new life in the blink of an eye.

The soldiers finally regained their senses, and finally allowed their consciousness to control their actions.

When Murong Xue's flute stopped, many people were trying to recall what happened just now, as if their bodies had changed in an instant.

That feeling is like another soul has entered his body, and then dominates this body.

Murong Xue understood that it was just an illusion produced by hypnosis.

The flute played by the border people not only uses a special sound frequency to severely stimulate people's nerves.

At the same time, it will also emit a hypnotic effect, making people suddenly feel like they are possessed by a phantom, and their consciousness is blurred.

And the song I played can just be used to relieve the mild hypnosis.

After all, she is not as good as Feng Su'er, if the song is played a little longer and the soldiers listen to it a little longer, she might not be able to rescue her.

This journey was trembling, and he always knew that he might be threatened at any time from the frontier, seclusion, or Dongfanghan.

But the other party came very slowly, and it was not until they reached the junction of Dashun and Yanchi that they encountered danger for the first time.

People did not dare to relax their vigilance, and no one fell asleep, so they waited helplessly until dawn.

Finally, after the night passed, I quietly let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone thought that the real danger would come after entering Yanchi, but no one expected that Yanchi, the country that originally belonged to Dongfang Ling, would not let them in at all! !

(End of this chapter)

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