Chapter 682

Zhou Zheng looked at the girl who was kneeling on the ground and kept crying, he couldn't help but patted his forehead, and took the initiative to say:

"Girl, please keep your voice down, don't attract anyone. It's still a secret that the princess will return home!"

When the little girl heard this, she immediately realized that she was too excited.

Embarrassedly wiped away tears, then stood up and said:

"Master, don't worry! Just as you and the lord set off for Dashun, the servants vacated the small courtyard of the study. Anyway, no one usually comes here. If you're not here, cleaning and other things will be saved. That's it. The servants come over occasionally to have a look, but now there is no one in the yard at all."

Murong Xue nodded in satisfaction, she really was the girl who followed her, despite her young age, after years of training, her thoughts were indeed much more careful.

"Master, change quickly!" Pearl said as she handed the clothes she was holding in front of her.

At the same time, Ah Fu also handed Zhou Zheng a set of men's clothing in his hand.

Murong Xue took the clothes and went back to the secret passage to change. When she came out again, Pearl had already fetched water from the well in the middle of the yard to wash her face.

Finally after packing up, Pearl opened her mouth and said:

"Princess, this servant has found Xiao Liangzi and Ling'er to follow Ah Fu to the pharmacy, don't worry!"

"En." Murong Xue nodded, and then asked Pearl: "Is there anything unusual in the mansion?"

Pearl understood that she was asking about the servants, the little girl shook her head:

"I haven't seen it yet. But the inner courtyard is definitely fine."

"What about the palace?"

"It's okay."

She breathed a sigh of relief, whether it was really all right or Pearl couldn't see it, at least it meant that Dongfang Han hadn't figured it out yet.

After thinking for a while, he said:
"Clean up this study, let Zhou Zheng rest, and I will go back to the inner courtyard. Remember, no one should know the news of my return home."

(End of this chapter)

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