Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 693 The Status Quo of the Nine Capitals

Chapter 693 The Current Situation of the Nine Gates Capital

"Yue Qi!" It was Murong Xue who spoke, "Who made you like this? Where are your soldiers? Where is the Nine Gates Capital?"

A series of questions were asked, causing Yue Qi to sigh bitterly and shake his head, then said:
"Who else can there be, Third Highness! Princess, we are slaves, and we dare not open our mouths to scold, but this subordinate is really aggrieved!" Tears welled up again in his cloudy eyes, and Murong Xue saw that tears It was mixed with blood.

"Stop crying!" Patted him on the shoulder, "I will find a way to heal the remaining eye, but if you keep crying like this, no matter how good your medical skills are, there is no way to bring it back to life."

Yue Qi nodded, stopped his tears, and immediately said in a hurry:
"Princess, not long after you and the lord went to Dashun, there was a change in the capital. The subordinates don't know what happened, but suddenly one day the emperor fell ill, and then pointed to the third highness to act as the agent of state affairs. At first, we He didn't take it seriously, thinking that the emperor was really sick, so there was nothing wrong with letting His Highness the Third Highness take over as the government. But this government didn't take long, and he gradually replaced the four cities that were originally guarded by the Jiumen Capital. The gate. The generals in exchange seem to belong to the Yanchi army, and some brothers recognized a few. That is the part of the military power in the hands of King Han."

Yue Qi tilted his head while talking, Murong Xue knew that it was his usual action when he was thinking.

For a moment, the majestic and majestic Qi Yue in the past appeared before her eyes again, which aroused the hatred in her heart even more.

"Although the transfer of the capital of the Nine Gates requires the tiger talisman in the hands of the emperor, it is an marching order, which is used to mobilize the soldiers of the Nine Gates to charge into battle. And King Han didn't ask us to kill the enemy, but just let us rest, saying that we were too tired Yes. He did this, and the soldiers had nothing to do with him. It can be said that the Jiumen Capital was disbanded bit by bit by King Han. He couldn’t be transferred, but he didn’t have to. This matter It just kept freezing, and no one knew what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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