Chapter 696

"There is no problem with the fireworks." She nodded, "There are still some leftovers from the Chinese New Year in Prince Ling's Mansion, which can be used directly. What about after that?" Looking at Yue Qi again, "How did you become like this?"

"Alas!" Yue Qi sighed, "I walked from house to house all day long. Although I was very careful, I was still targeted by the people of the Third Highness. In fact, they didn't know what I was doing at all, but the Third Highness felt that The country is not secure, looking at anyone in the city is like looking at a thief."

When Yue Qi mentioned this, he felt strong hatred in his heart.

The still intact arm waved subconsciously, as if Dongfang Han was right in front of him, trying to knock him down.

"They arrested me, locked me in a dungeon and tortured me continuously, forcing me to tell what I was doing these days. If I didn't tell, they kept beating me. Seeing that the beating was not enough, they planed and cut my buttocks. One eye, and one of my arms was broken. Then they thought I was dead, so they dragged me to a mass grave in the northern suburbs."

As he spoke, Yue Qi's tears began to flow again.

"Princess! This subordinate didn't embarrass you and the prince! This subordinate didn't say anything, even if they made me like this, they didn't say anything! I just don't know if they went to find other soldiers. I’ve been to a few houses, but I couldn’t figure it out from me, so I asked others because I was afraid. Princess, you have to be more careful, or ask this brother to inquire again!”

He pointed at Zhou Zheng and said:

"The subordinates can see that this brother is very good at martial arts, and he is born with a face, so he will definitely be more convenient and cautious than his subordinates."

Seeing Murong Xue nodded, Yue Qi continued:
"At that time, I also thought I was dead, but after lying in that messy graveyard for a few days, I found myself alive again. I finally crawled out from the pile of dead people, but found that one of my legs had been lost. Where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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