Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 713 Why Xue Qi Was Not Controlled 1

Chapter 713 Why Xue Qi Was Not Controlled 1
"The emperor said it himself?" Murong Xue asked a crucial question.

Xue Qi nodded:
"Yes! This subordinate has seen it with his own eyes and heard it with his own ears!"

"How was the emperor at that time?"

"It's very bad!" He said honestly, "The emperor was sitting on the bed at the time, but he looked dazed. Although he was indeed speaking, it was like... like..."

He couldn't tell, he was a general after all, he really couldn't find the right words to describe something that was too detailed.

"It's as if his nerves have been controlled by someone. No matter what he says or does, he doesn't go through his brain at all. There is a mysterious force manipulating him. You can't see or feel it, but that power It just exists!"

Murong Xue said all the things that Xue Qi wanted to say but couldn't say in one breath, Xue Qi nodded repeatedly while listening, she was absolutely right, she was like the emperor back then.

Seeing him nodding, Murong Xue gently pressed her hand to her heart, that kind of disgust for the territory was hitting her heart hard.

"Princess." Seeing her silent for a long time, Xue Qi was a little scared.But he couldn't stop his impulse and wanted to go on.

"Tell me!" She sighed softly, "Do you want to tell me that the current situation of the Imperial Guard is the same?"

Xue Qi nodded,

"That's right! That's it! Now all the officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army seem to have lost their souls. What does the Third Highness say, even if they are not allowed to go home, no one objects! The Third Highness set up a tent in the school grounds. People live together, but in fact he just wants to control everyone.”

"How did he control it?" Murong Xue frowned, then looked at Xue Qi again: "Why are you not controlled?"

"It's that person!" He pointed his hand back to the door of the darkroom, with extreme hatred in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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