Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 720 The Forbidden Army Was Hypnotized, The Emperor Was Bewitched

Chapter 720 The Forbidden Army Was Hypnotized, The Emperor Was Bewitched

She knew that the tribes in the west that Miracle Doctor Ge said were the frontiers, and it seemed that people in the frontiers could know Gu, and although not many people knew about it, there were definitely many.

Miracle Doctor Ge's words continued, he said:

"I heard that there is no one who can't solve the magic trick. The person who casts the voodoo says that the other party will die whenever he wants. The other party will die as soon as he says he wants the other party to die!"

What he said was a little suspenseful, and even Zhou Zheng and the others shook their heads in disbelief.

In the eyes of these five big and three thick guys, such a thing is too weird.

But Xue Qi stopped after shaking his head for a while, then frowned and thought about it, and suddenly said:

"Can that Gu also control people's actions? For example, the soldiers of the Imperial Army! Is playing the flute a trick for people?"

Murong Xue shook her head and said:
"No! The situation of the imperial guards is different from Gu. The sound of the flute is just a kind of severe hypnosis. Once it stops playing, the soldiers will no longer be under the control of the opponent. But..."

"The emperor's attack should be Gu." Miracle doctor Ge answered the words, looked at Murong Xue again, and said, "Before you came back, a man came out from the palace to meet me and described the emperor's situation to me. At that time, I Suspected that the emperor was not only deluded by others, he must have been poisoned by the legendary poison. Because the person said that besides being unconscious, he also saw that the emperor's meridians would move from time to time. Every time he went there At that time, the emperor will be in great pain."

She took a deep breath, and her meridians moved... She reached out and pointed to the ground:

"If it's the same situation as this person just now, it should be a Gu. Although I have seen not many people who have been poisoned, it seems that it has only been three times, but the situation is similar. No matter whether the last person is injured It's death, their meridians used to be like a moving bead buried in them, moving in the blood vessels from time to time!"

(End of this chapter)

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