Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 723 Someone Comes to Miracle Doctor Ge

Chapter 723 Someone Comes to Miracle Doctor Ge

Ah Fu ran out quickly, and not long after, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy came in.

Although Mu Mu is called Mu Mu and is not very old, he is actually very clever.

Let’s just say it’s a dark way to go, wood is learned before Ah Fu.

After the person came in, he first bowed to Murong Xue, and then nodded to Miracle Doctor Ge.

As for others who don't know or are not familiar with it, Wood will ignore it.

"It turns out that you are all hiding here." Wiping the sweat from his brow, Mu Mu said, "I went to the study and bedroom of the princess mansion, but there was no one. I came to the study of the king's mansion last, but there was no one." I saw someone. If Ah Fu doesn’t come out again, I will go back.”

"But is there something wrong with the pharmacy?" It was Miracle Doctor Ge who asked the question.

Except for Murong Xue Dongfang Ling, only the three of them can walk the secret passage mixed with the technique of the Book of Changes.

Generally speaking, if two people go out at the same time, the other person will definitely stay in the pharmacy.

But at this time, Mu Mu came in from the secret passage, so there must be something wrong with the pharmacy.

Wood nodded and said:

"Someone is looking for Master!"

The master he mentioned was Miracle Doctor Ge, since he entered the pharmacy, Murong Xue asked him and Ah Fu to worship Miracle Ge as their teacher, so that the pharmacy looked more like it to outsiders.

"Who is looking for me?"

Miracle Doctor Ge stood up and asked.

He knew that if it was just an ordinary patient, he wouldn't let Mu Mo mobilize the crowd to find here from the secret passage to call someone.

Sure enough, Mu Mu said:

"It's the old man with white hair and beard that Master saw last time!"

"It's him?"

This question came from Murong Xue and Miracle Doctor Ge at the same time.

After Miracle Doctor Ge asked, he looked at her again and said:
"You know that person?"

Murong Xue nodded:

"How could I not recognize the people in the palace?"

(End of this chapter)

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