Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 728 Emperor Wu’s Trust in Them

Chapter 728 Emperor Wu’s Trust in Them
While speaking, he buttoned the cap of the cloak behind him on his head, covered his face with both hands, and put it down again, but he looked like a young man who looked less than 30 years old.

She had to praise:
"Mr. Bai's leather mask is well done!"

Bai Mosheng turned around again, pulled off the mask on his face, and said:

"There is no way to do this. The emperor is under control. If I don't get away with the tiger amulet, I'm afraid there will be chaos in the harem."

At this moment, Murong Xue remembered what Miracle Doctor Ge said just now. He said that judging from the age of bones, Bai Mo was born in his eighties
She has never known the relationship between this person and Emperor Wu, but just because he has been around the emperor for so many years, the two must have a good relationship.

"Take it!" Bai Mosheng pointed at the tiger amulet, "This is the emperor's intention. This thing was in my hands half a year ago, because I calculated that there would be turmoil in Yanchi and told him. He took the thing He gave it to me, saying that if something happens in the future, it will definitely not be safe to keep this thing in his hands. What I have to do is to give this thing to someone who can save him and Yanchi in times of crisis. And That person is either King Ling! Or you!"

Murong Xue's body shook, and she had to admit that Bai Mosheng's words shocked her to a certain extent.

She knew that Emperor Yanchi was not a foolish person, but she never expected him to be so shrewd.

Of course, what is even more shocking is that Emperor Wu trusted her and Dongfang Ling to such an extent.

She is no longer polite, after all, it is really great to have the Tiger Talisman in hand at this time.

Although she and Bai Mosheng were not familiar, they were not strangers either.

Over the past few years, because she was conferred the title of Princess Luoxue, she had more chances to enter the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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