Chapter 753

"Actually, there is one way!" Bai Mosheng thought to himself, and said at the same time: "That is, you go to Tuzhou to assist King Ling, and leave the capital to me!"

Murong Xue's eyes lit up, this is indeed a good idea.

Apart from her, the only one who could confront those frontier people head-on was Bai Mosheng, who had always been mysterious.

She believed that Bai Mosheng had this ability, and also believed that Bai Mosheng would not turn against him.

So he asked:
"What are Mr. Bai's plans for Kyoto!"

The opponent spreads hands:
"It's the same as your idea, if it can be delayed for a day, it will be a day! As long as the other party doesn't make a move, we will also stand still!"

Murong Xue nodded, and he continued:
"People in the frontier should try not to provoke him unless they confront him head-on. As far as I can see, the third prince has not the courage to proclaim himself emperor at this time, because he can't get the tiger talisman! He knows that if he proclaims himself emperor, once All the princes are against it, and when the time comes to charge into the city with the Yanchi army, he will not be able to stop it for a moment!"

Bai Mo analyzed the situation in front of him spontaneously, his eyes flickered from time to time, which was completely different from his usual fairy demeanor.

Over the years, Murong Xue had long known that this person was a very important existence to Emperor Wu.

His existence affects most of Emperor Wu's decisions!
But he really thinks about Yan Chi, and every idea he makes is beneficial and harmless to Yan Chi.

Bai Mosheng's voice continued, and he said:
"The third prince is now betting all his treasures on the prince Dongsheng, so now he can only help Yin Yi deal with Dongfang Ling, who has few soldiers. As long as Dongfang Ling dies, his chances of winning will be doubled. But six The news that the prince sent troops to aid Tuzhou will spread to the palace soon, so at this time, we have to take a gamble!"

(End of this chapter)

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