Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 756 Of course Tang Chu won't harm me

Chapter 756 Of course Tang Chu won't harm me
While talking, Murong Xue had to admire Bai Mosheng's brains, but at the same time, she gave a wry smile.

She said:

"How does Mr. Bai know that Dashun will definitely help? And how do you know that he won't just play a fake show and actually swallow Yanchi? You know, Dashun is not comparable to Dongsheng!"

Hearing this, Bai Mosheng smiled but remained silent.

Just staring at her, means a lot.

Murong Xue couldn't bear his gaze, Bai Mosheng's eyes seemed to see through everything.

Being looked at by him like this is like being seen through by someone, from top to bottom, from appearance to internal organs, everything is being peeped under the eyes.

"Don't look!" She raised her hands in surrender, and at the same time understood that Bai Mosheng had already planned about her and Tang Chu in her heart.

She is no longer interested in thinking about how Bai Mosheng knew about this matter. Anyway, over the years, Bai Mosheng has been haunted by ghosts and ghosts, as if he counted his fingers and looked up at the starry sky. Everything is in his hands. master.

"That's how it is--" she said again: "It's a bit too abrupt for Dashun to propose to help Dongfang Han, so let them ask for Yanchi's cities! Let Dashun pretend to like Yanchi There are several cities on the border between Chi and it, so there is a reason to send troops. This kind of betrayal of the country and land in exchange for the throne, Dongfang Han will definitely agree."

After finishing speaking, he was silent for a while, and then he took the initiative to speak:

"Dashun is Tang Chu's domain, so naturally Tang Chu won't harm me."

"Haha!" Bai Mosheng finally laughed out loud, but he didn't ask any more questions about her and Tang Chu, but said, "You can take your hidden guards away!"

While speaking, he waved his hands:
"Don't ask me how I know, just believe, and I won't harm you! You take the hidden guards away, but don't move the Nine Gates Capital and the Imperial Guards, because if they move, the third prince will be alert What's more, even if we want to protect the people as much as possible at that time, it is impossible not to do nothing. At that time, the Nine Gates Capital can surprise the city and quickly eliminate the small forces that come in from Dongsheng. The soldiers who come in from Dongsheng don't need to Just worry about it, as long as Tuzhou can't stand it and Dashun comes again, Dongfanghan will naturally find a way to drive those people from Dongsheng back!"

(End of this chapter)

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