Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 763 They Are Actually Cannon Fodder

Chapter 763 They Are Actually Cannon Fodder
And himself, many times he couldn't resist that kind of tune.

Although he has tried very hard to follow the method Murong Xue explained before he left, to empty his mind and try to keep his brain in an unconscious state.

But in this case, he can't move. Only by not moving can he maintain that empty state.

There is no way for him to be able to continue to attack as usual under the flute playing like Murong Xue. Therefore, the battle has been fought until now, and the two sides are basically deadlocked in Tuzhou. No one can advance or retreat. no.

But he couldn't withdraw his troops either, he clearly knew that it was not an option to stay frozen like this, and he was also anxious to go back to the capital to help Murong Xue.

But Tuzhou can't withdraw!
He had to use his troops to contain Dongsheng. Once he withdrew, it was very likely that Dongsheng would chase after him.

At that time, the scope of the war will expand, and the people in the prefectures and towns along the way from Tuzhou to Kyoto will be extremely miserable.

He is Yanchi's King Ling, and Dongfang Ling can't ignore the people.

In fact, the coldest one is often the kindest one.

Dongfang Lingxin has a country, a family, and people, so he would rather continue to fight with Dongsheng here than retreat.

To put it bluntly, these people are actually the first to die.

Although there were ten secret guards inside, there were also a hundred Tang Chu's personal soldiers.

But there are too few elites, what's more, even though the hundred personal soldiers are much stronger than the soldiers of the Yanchi army, they are still inferior to the hidden guards trained by Murong Xue.

At least in terms of weapons, it is lower.

It wasn't until this time that Dongfang Ling felt how powerful the repeated crossbows and arrow pistols used by the hidden guards were. He even thought of those things in the palace that Murong Xue called explosives.

(End of this chapter)

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