Chapter 768
Sometimes this attack will be in the early morning, sometimes in the middle of the night, and sometimes in the daytime.

In short, Yanchi's soldiers are troubled by sudden wars all the time.

Even at night, everyone had to close their clothes to sleep, and even Biqing didn't dare to take a bath.


The two armies fought again [-] miles outside Tuzhou City. The leader of Dongsheng's side was named Sun Xin. He was in his early thirties and was very powerful.

Some soldiers said in private that Sun Xin looked more like a Yanchi man, with a tall and tall man, and his aggressiveness in fighting was also intimidating.

But he didn't dare to confront Dongfang Ling head-on, and every time he locked his target on Fang Yi, who was of equal status to him.

Of course, Dongfang Ling didn't take this person seriously.

Right now, what he locked his eyes on were the four alien-looking weirdos who were following Sun Xin's side.

For those people from the frontier, Dongfang Ling couldn't tear them into pieces, but unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get close to them.

His body is always controlled at critical moments, leaving him helpless.

The two sides fought so frequently that the two sides had already had nothing to say.

What's more, Sun Xin is just a soldier leading the soldiers. Apart from the soldiers in his hands, it is not his turn to take care of Dongsheng's affairs.

As for Sun Xin, he was even more unwilling to talk nonsense with the other party.

Apart from having said everything that should be said in the previous battle, the main reason is that he simply stutters.

Asking him to say a word is more difficult than asking him to fight a battle, so he simply waved his hand and ordered his soldiers to charge forward with swords.

He himself naturally took the lead and rushed out first.

As in countless previous wars, the more Dongsheng's soldiers rushed forward, the more the four frontier men retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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