Chapter 774

With a thought, he seemed to have understood what the flying thing was.

So I looked around, but saw the white light go straight to the four border people playing the flute.

Those four people obviously also saw that a foreign object was coming, but the white light did not point at any of them.

Judging from this situation, even if it was a hidden weapon that came with the white light, it could only be missed, and it would not hurt them at all.

The four of them looked at each other, and then continued to bring the flute in their hands to their lips, and at the same time, they were about to play with their internal energy.

But no one thought about it, and they didn't know what was going on, when they were about to approach them, the white light that seemed to be distorted suddenly scattered away!

The four border people were also taken aback, because the scattered light immediately turned into four beams, but this time, it shot at them precisely.

I screamed in my heart: No!

At the same time quickly retreat!

But it was still too late, before the three of them could move, they just felt their fingers tremble, and then looked down at the jade flute in their hands, but it had already been shattered by the shock of the foreign object.

"Oh!" Several people shouted at the same time, and then found that the flying white light was just an embroidery needle.

The three frontier men who lost their flutes, like archers without their bows and arrows, could no longer pose the deadliest threat to the Yanchi army.

Seeing that their weapons were disarmed, the first reaction of those border people was to run.

But when he turned his head again, he saw that the fourth person had successfully dodged the flying hidden weapon, and was turning his body around with ingenious movements while bringing the flute to his lips to draw in his inner energy. Start playing their "Requiem".

The three of them were overjoyed, and quickly stopped their steps of fleeing, and moved towards the man one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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