Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 776 Fight Between Coaches

Chapter 776 Fight Between Coaches

Murong Xue's three silver needles were empty, but at the same time, she also saw clearly the light and subtle movement of the border man when hiding the needles.

I had to secretly praise it in my heart, and at the same time guessed that this person might be one of the higher status people in these territories.

Apart from the fact that his internal strength and movement skills are much higher than others, she noticed the flute he used just now.

It is also made of emerald jade, but it is inlaid with a gemstone on each side.

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, and glared at the man like a leopard. At the same time, the silver needle kept flying out of her hand, always interrupting the man when he was about to play again.

The sound of the flute here was suspended, and Dongfang Ling's side was much more relaxed.

I saw him shouting loudly, dancing the soft sword in his hand like a writhing demon snake.

At the same time, the body deftly shuttled among the three of them, not at all like a person wearing heavy armor.

Dongfang Ling's kung fu is excellent, even when one person faces three foreign opponents at the same time, he is still unambiguous.

The three frontier people underestimated the enemy at the beginning, and the kung fu of the frontier was also very clever. They even thought that they could solve this clumsy man by turning a few times like a maze.

But after playing for less than three rounds, he realized that he was wrong. Apart from being afraid of the sound of the flute, this person seemed to have no other way to resist it.

However, their flutes had already been smashed, and the only one left seemed to have encountered a more difficult opponent.

With the arrival of Murong Xue, Dongsheng's advantages in territory were instantly broken.

As soon as the sound of the flute stopped here, the Yanchi soldiers who had fallen on the ground stood up immediately, shouted and chased after the retreating Dongsheng army under Fang Yi's leadership.

Seeing the army approaching, Sun Xin was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

All of a sudden, Dongsheng's soldiers and horses ran in a mess. Except for Yanchi's direction, the other three sides were all deserters.

(End of this chapter)

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