Chapter 793

Dongfangyang is here, and so is the army.

As soon as the army arrives, they must act as soon as possible.

Waiting one more day would be fatal to the consumption of food and grass in the army.

Of course, what was more fatal was her internal injuries.

In fact, Murong Xue now really hopes that one of her arms is broken, which is better than the feeling of weakness all over her body.

When I got up, I tried to lift my internal strength, but unfortunately, I just coughed halfway.

Internal injuries are such a hassle.

"The Sixth Highness is here!" Her gaze moved from Dongfang Ling's side to Dongfang Yang's, and she said, "It's pretty fast!"

Dongfang Yang held up his hands and said:
"Second sister-in-law! I travel day and night! But what you say doesn't count. Obviously I asked you if you want to come to Tuzhou together, and you can't say it."

Murong Xue waved her hands wearily——

"One moment and another moment! I handed it over to Mr. Bai in the capital, so there should be no problem. Now the important thing is here!"

Dongfang Ling helped her to the fire, Fang Yi had already set out a soft chair from the tent and sat her down.

As soon as Murong Xue got into the chair, she immediately told the two of them about her plan with Bai Mosheng, and then asked:
"What about hermit? But here?"

Dongfang Ling shook his head, and while helping her tug at the cloak that had slipped from her shoulders, he answered her:
"Yi Yi is not here, and has never appeared. Now there are more hidden guards, so they can be transferred out."

As he said this, Zhan Fang, who had been following on the left and right, quickly took a step forward and said:
"Master! This subordinate has already sent someone to Dongsheng's palace to inquire about the news, and we should hear back in a few days."

Dongfang Ling nodded and heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

Sure enough, all the hidden guards came to help, and he was really relieved a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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