Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 795 A Crucial Place——Xiyao

Chapter 795 A Crucial Place - Xiyao

"That place is called Wufang." Dongfang Ling couldn't bear to let her go on, and took the initiative to take over—"To put it bluntly, it's a brothel at all. That child Shuang'er suffered a lot there, but Until now, we still don’t understand why the frontier people wanted to save her back then, and after saving her, why did they want to kill her again.”

"Does Miss Shuang'er know?" Dongfang Yang asked.

Murong Xue shook her head,
"I asked, but she didn't know either. So—" Looking at Dongfang Ling again, "I really want to go to the frontier. The place is said to be so mysterious. Is it a mystery or something unique? , we have to actually go there to find out.”

Dongfang Ling nodded,
"Okay!" He said, "I'll go with you when Dongsheng's affairs are settled and Chaozhong is stabilized."

"Yeah!" She didn't push back this time.

There are some things that she can do alone, and some things that are not sure at all, she also needs a helper by her side.

And no matter in terms of personal ability or personal relationship, she hopes that the person by her side can be Dongfang Ling.

"Actually, I also thought of something when I was on my way." Murong Xue frowned lightly, and said again: "Why does Jiangyu help Dongsheng? Maybe there is one person who is the most important thing."

Several people were startled at the same time, but Dongfang Ling quickly realized it, and made a sound with Murong Xue almost at the same time.

They said—


"Yes!" Murong Xue continued: "It's Xiyao! I still remember the Tang Chu wedding that day, when Qian Can'er's wedding sedan chair was less than halfway through, two people from the frontier appeared. Not only did they show up for the first time, He took the deadly flute song and kidnapped Shuang'er. When I went to rescue him, I saw Xiyao at the edge of the mountain."

(End of this chapter)

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