Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 798 Prepare to send troops!immediately!

Chapter 798 Prepare to send troops!immediately!

Dongfang Ling said:

"That's right! That's it!" He pointed to the thing in Murong Xue's hand: "I've seen this tiger talisman once, but I don't have any other impressions, but the only thing I remember is that the tiger's eyes are a very small round shape Emerald. The emerald is transparent all over, and it will turn completely white when exposed to sunlight, which is very magical."

Murong Xue didn't pay attention to this point, but that's not important, the important thing is that this tiger talisman can command the three armies.

Dongfang Yang smiled suddenly, and then said:
"Father is actually not confused at all. He is just too suspicious and too cautious. He always compares and tests, and uses his method to judge who is the best heir to the Yanchi throne. .”

"Actually, he has already chosen!" Murong Xue pulled her lips, "It's just that some people are uneasy and want to fight. If the crown prince is still there, I'm afraid it will be even more chaotic."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly raised her head, looked at the two people around her seriously and solemnly, and said——

"Get ready to send troops! Immediately!"

"Ah?" Dongfang Yang was shocked.

Dongfang Lingzheng's arms around her shoulders tightened even more.

"Are you crazy?" Dongfang Yangzi was in a hurry, and he raised his voice and shouted: "Look at you now, it seems that you can fall if the wind blows, how can you send troops? No matter how anxious you are, don't be in a hurry , at least wait until your injury recovers!"

Dongfang Ling followed suit and nodded:

"That's right! Your current body is really not suitable for fighting. Although you are awake, your internal injuries are too serious. Don't expect to fully recover within three or two months!"

After a pause, he said:

"Even if it's three or two months, if there are rare medicinal materials, I'm afraid I won't be able to get better in half a year!"

"But we can't wait now!" she said truthfully. "Don't say three or two months, waiting for two or three days is enough to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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