Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 802 No matter what happens in the future, you must keep Yin Yao

Chapter 802 No matter what happens in the future, you must keep Yin Yao
They only need to set the latitude and longitude coordinates across the vast ocean, and then press a button, and they can easily send a missile across the sea and accurately hit the designated direction.

And the territory of this ancient country is much smaller than that of the 21st century. In her opinion, a Dongsheng is not even as good as half of Japan.

This should be placed in the era of advanced technology, how can it be so hard to fight from city to city?

Once a missile passes, Dongsheng will disappear from history forever!
"Princess!" A soldier from the front came on horseback, stopped in front of her car, and said loudly, "Prince Ling and His Highness the Sixth Highness have entered the city! Dongsheng's soldiers have surrendered!"

As soon as he said that, Xiang Zhan Fang also ran over from the front, dismounted in front of her chariot, stepped forward and said:

"My lord! Dongsheng's soldiers are almost dead, and the people kneeling in the city are all Yan Chi soldiers sent by His Highness the Third Highness. The prince asked his subordinates to invite the princess!"

She nodded and signaled the chariot to speed up and head towards the city.

And she held the tiger talisman tightly in her hand.

She knew that as long as Yan Chi's soldiers and horses were taken back, it would be even more ignorant to fight again!

She, Murong Xue, has never been a kind person, she can clearly distinguish between the enemy and me.

Yan Chi's Dongfang Ling's home, that is also her home.

What's more, speaking from his heart, Emperor Wu treated her well.

Although according to the territory of the 21st century, Dongsheng is basically Han Chinese.

But after all, the situation is different. Today, two countries that speak the same language must fight to the death.

Then, Dongsheng's people would not be within her sympathy.

Of course, with one exception.

Hidden away!

No matter what, when she entered Dongsheng Palace, she had to keep Yin Yao.

This was her only thought when the chariot stopped in the first city at the junction of Dongsheng and Yanchi.

(End of this chapter)

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