Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 806 There Are Less than 2 People Sent by Dongfang Han

Chapter 806 There Are Less than [-] People Sent by Dongfang Han

Such a simple movement seems so difficult for Murong Xue to do it now, she has to admit that in that moment, the internal organs, which were already extremely fragile due to the injury, felt severe pain. .

If Dongfang Ling hadn't moved her body in time to lend her a hand, she might have fallen to the ground.

Taking a light breath, he calmed down, and then looked at the prisoners kneeling on the ground behind him!

It is not difficult to recognize that there are too many Yanchi soldiers in it.

A lieutenant led his men to identify them one by one, and drove Dongsheng's soldiers aside. After a while, the rest were all the people sent by Dongfang Han.

After several fights, there were less than [-] people left.

Dongsheng's coach was very smart, and every time he fought, he let Yanchi's people rush to the front as cannon fodder, and they were the first to be cut off by the horse.

And their own people get the double protection of physical strength and life.

Dongfang Ling gritted his teeth angrily. Although Dongfang Han's part of the Yanchi army was not too many, it was still full of [-].

Of course, he couldn't send all 10 people here, but according to sources, at least [-]% of them came.

Now that there are only so few remnants and defeated generals left in the fight, no one can help but feel distressed after seeing it.

The woman who had stabilized her mind stepped forward, walked slowly to the captive soldiers, looked from front to back, and looked at everyone sharply with scrutiny.

Those soldiers who had lowered their heads also had the courage to raise their heads. When they saw a fairy-like beautiful woman standing in front of them, they all understood that this was Yanchi's famous Princess Luoxue, the future Princess Ling .

At first, some people's calves trembled, and the sweat that had just been blown back by the cold wind dripped down again.

Everyone knows that the cold-faced Ling Wang is ruthless and cold-blooded.

But the one who is more brutal and bloodthirsty than King Ling is the princess Luoxue who is as beautiful as a fairy.

This is also known to the world...

(End of this chapter)

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