Chapter 815 Golden State
The city was called Jinzhou, and it had just been recovered, and Dongfang Ling had people hang the flag of Yanchi on the top of the city gate.

This is his first step into Dongsheng's land. Next, Dongsheng's cities will be taken under his command one by one.

In this regard, he firmly believes.

In the past few days, Murong Xue was recovering from his injuries, Dongfang Yang was rectifying the armed forces, and at the same time arranged for manpower to stay, and then made complete preparations for the next march.

Dongfang Lingben wanted to go with him, but he stopped him.

In Dongfang Yang's words: No matter how important something is, it can't compare to Xue's injury. If you don't stay with her at this time, you will regret it later.

Dongfang Ling listened, because he knew that what he said was true.

She was hurt because of him time and time again, and if he couldn't be by her side any longer, she would regret it one day.

The army was stationed in Jinzhou City for five days. Dongfang Yang calculated that even if someone wanted to report to Dongsheng Palace, they would not be able to arrive within five days.

He originally wanted to stay for two more days, but Dongfang Ling reminded him not to forget the reclusive eagle.

This arrival really woke up Dongfang Yang.

He had heard about Murong Xue talking about Dongsheng Prince Yin Yi's ability to speak birds. If the other party used eagles to deliver news, it is very likely that Yin Yi would have known about Jinzhou's victory by now.

Of course, they were not afraid of him knowing, nor were they afraid of him mobilizing troops to prepare for a counterattack.

Dongsheng's soldiers couldn't beat the Yanchi people, and Yanchi could overwhelm them in terms of numbers alone, let alone real swords and guns.

But I'm afraid that Yin Yi will go to the frontier again. He has just solved four here, and his vitality has been hurt. If he is transferred to the frontier again, it will be too bad for Yanchi.

Fortunately, after five days, Murong Xue was able to get off the bed, and there was no problem walking alone.

It's just that you can't speak too loudly. If you speak too loudly, it will affect your internal organs. If it is mild, it will cause coughing, and if it is serious, it will bring out a few puddles of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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