Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 824 Want to take her to Zhang Dashun, don't you?

Chapter 824 Want to bring her back to Dashun, don't you?
Even so, he also understood that Murong Xue's illness really couldn't be dragged on any longer.

The two consecutive internal injuries may have caused her internal organs to be in a mess. If she doesn't get a good rest and treatment, she may be...

The army has traveled so far, and it will arrive at the capital of Dongsheng after two big cities.

In the past few days, Dongfang Ling deliberately slowed down the advance of the whole army, because he knew that there was a road leading directly to Dashun just across the border of the mountain.

While resting at night, the leader of Dashun's soldiers came to Dongfang Ling's tent.

Murong Xue was still sleeping, and when Dongfang Lingbu stepped out of the command tent, the soldier was frowning tightly, as if thinking about how to say the following words.

Dongfang Ling stood still in front of him, and with just one look, he guessed eighty-nine points of his thoughts.

He didn't say a word, just walked with his hands behind his back, until he reached the edge of the camp, and then stopped.

The personal soldier has been following behind him, politely keeping a distance of three steps.

Seeing him stop, he also stopped.

But Dongfang Ling stretched out his arm, pointed in one direction, and said to himself:

"I know, that's the direction of Dashun, and I know what you want me to say. You want to bring her back to Dashun, don't you?"

His thoughts were directly told like this, and the soldier blushed.

But still nodded and said honestly:

"Yes! My lord, Princess Luoxue's illness is already very serious. If she doesn't stop for treatment, she might really be in danger."

He rubbed his hands while talking, and now he has entered Dongsheng's heartland. Although it is autumn, the weather is not cold.

He is not rubbing his hands to keep warm like when he was in Tuzhou, but because what he said is a little embarrassing and bold.

But Dongfang Ling didn't react abnormally, and even there was no anger on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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