Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 829 It's time to send her away

Chapter 829 It's time to send her away
Hearing what he said, Dongfang Yang remembered that Murong Xue had told them in detail when they were on their way a while ago that Dashun should come forward to replace Yin Yi in front of Dongfang Han.

It's just that Dongfang Yang has always been worried, fearing that if the wolf is lured into the house, it will backfire.

A little Dongsheng has messed up Yanchi like this. If it was Dashun, they really have no certainty of winning.

Dongfang Ling knew what he was thinking, so he could only comfort him with words.

He understands that Tang Chu is a gentleman, and the things that Yin Yi did, he can't do it even if he is killed.


The next day, when the morning light first appeared, Zhan Fang and Zhang Da brought their own troops and stood outside the camp.

Murong Xue still didn't wake up. This time, she had slept for eleven hours.

Dongfang Ling sat on the side of the bed, sleepless all night.

The hands they held trembled slightly, because Dongfang Ling was afraid.

This cold-faced prince has never been afraid of anything in the past twenty years, but he is afraid of Murong Xue.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like without this woman in his life, wouldn't it be like losing his soul?

What's the point of living without a soul?
"Second brother!" Dongfang Yang stepped into the tent lightly and reminded him: "It's time to send her away."

Dongfang Ling nodded, stood up, and picked him up from the bed.

The clothes were changed for her in the middle of the night, and there were no maids in the barracks, so he did all of this by himself.

Do men and women give or take each other?


He had seen her body as early as when she was ten years old, and there was no need to care about those formalities between them.

"Take that burden with you!" He stood up holding her, then licked a cloth bag next to the pillow with his chin, and said, "There are some clothes in it, not many, I'll give her a change on the way."

Without saying a word, Dongfang Yang followed them out of the tent after carrying the burden.

(End of this chapter)

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