Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 832 Don't Prick Yourself With Needles

Chapter 832 Don't Prick Yourself With Needles

Murong Xue raised her eyes and said angrily:

"Why are you there? Bring it!"

She reached out to him, but he didn't give it!

"It's the other way around, isn't it?" She suppressed her drowsiness, and then urged: "Hurry up and give it to me!"

Zhan Fang shook his head, and even took half a step back to the side.

"No!" He answered firmly. "The prince said, this thing cannot be given to you."


"You know the reason yourself." Zhan Fang's voice was choked with sobs. The once heroic Princess Luoxue turned into such a mess. How could it not make people tremble.

"My lord said that if he is not around, you will definitely prick yourself with a needle when you are sleepy again. When you encounter an enemy, you can't help it. It's okay to use it once, but it's not a solution to keep going on like this. So this needle subordinate will replace you." You keep it safe, and make sure you don’t lose any of them.”

Murong Xue was speechless, Dongfang Ling knew her so well that she could even guess what she was thinking.

While the two were talking, Zhang Da's horse ran to the car window and shouted outside:
"Brother Zhan! Is the princess still awake?"

Zhan Fang opened the curtains and said in response:


Upon hearing this, Zhang Da smiled and handed over an apple, which was carefully wrapped in a handkerchief——

"The ones I picked in the mountains just now have been washed by the stream, and they are clean. Give them to the princess!"

Zhan Fang nodded gratefully, took the apple over, and said to him:

"Thank you brother!"

Zhang Dayang rode away with his hands raised.

He turned around again, and was about to draw out his dagger to cut open the apple, but suddenly found that just as they were talking, Murong Xue fell asleep on his side again.

He was slightly startled, tentatively tugged at her arm, and whispered:

"Master! Master!"

The other party didn't make a sound at all, and his breathing gradually became even, and he was fast asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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