Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 834 Entering Jiuping City

Chapter 834 Entering Jiuping City

Passing through the small town, some soldiers would sneak in and buy something for her.

Most of them are candies and snacks, and they will go to the tavern to order a few good dishes to wrap, and send them all to the carriage, and let Zhan Fang and a new girl pick them up for her to eat.

The girl boarded the car when they entered the first city in Dashun. The place where they camped was not far from the border of Dashun. Their team crossed a mountain and walked for more than a day before entering Dashun.

Finally, they returned to their own country, and the soldiers secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This first city is called Jiuping, it is very big, and it is separated from Dongsheng by a river that is not too wide.

But even an outsider, after comparing the past, knows that they are two complete countries, and they can't be distinguished by the stone tablet by the river.

Because Dashun is so rich, the gates of Jiuping City alone are as large as the four gates of Dongsheng.

The city wall is also nearly twice as high and nearly twice as thick.

Even if Zhan Fang looked at it, he had to feel a little awe and admiration for this Dashun.

This is a country, compared with Dongsheng, I am afraid it can only be regarded as a county.

If it wasn't for that Yinyi united the territory and moved Dongfanghan, how could such a small vassal state have the ability to fight against Yanchi.

When they arrived at the gate of Jiuping City, the soldiers of Dashun advocated entering the city.

First, to replenish the necessary supplies along the way, and second, to let Murong Xue rest.

Zhan Fang had no objection to this, so he saw Zhang Da walking to the city gate, and he didn't know what he said to the guards.

But I saw the guard trotting away, and after a while, a group of people hurried over here carrying sedan chairs.

When the sedan chair landed on the ground, Zhan Fang knew that it was the sheriff of Jiuping City who came out to greet him in person.

Zhang Da and the county guard showed Tang Chu's waist card. Originally, the little county guard had no chance to enter the palace to meet the saint or the prince.

(End of this chapter)

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