Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 843 Xuexue is injured, how can I ignore it

Chapter 843 Xuexue is injured, how can I ignore it

Upon hearing her question, Zhan Fang understood that the princess's younger sister must be very close to the people in Prince Ling's Mansion, otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned Biqing.

"Miss Biqing stays in Tuzhou!" He told the truth, then pointed to the people around him, and said, "Her name is Chuntao, and she was picked out by the county guard from his servants when he passed through Jiuping City."

After entering the palace, Chuntao has always been a little restrained, she doesn't know who Murong Xue is, and she doesn't know the identity of the woman speaking in front of her.

But he understands that the people in the palace cannot be offended.

So he just lowered his head and didn't dare to say a word.

Shuang'er nodded, and didn't ask any more questions, just sat on the side of the bed and kept holding Murong Xue's hand, didn't speak, just stared at her.

Zhan Fang sighed softly, signaled Chuntao to stay, and then left the room by himself.

There was Dashun's palace gate waiting outside the door, he thought about it, and asked uneasy:

"May I ask where the Crown Prince has gone? Can you help me send an imperial doctor to see my master?"

The palace man nodded repeatedly and replied:

"Don't worry, the imperial doctor will be here soon. His Royal Highness has gone to the pharmacy in person and will be here in a while."

"Oh." Zhan Fang responded casually, thought for a while, and then said: "Just call the imperial doctor, and don't bother His Highness the Crown Prince! He must be busy with state affairs, so don't worry too much about us."

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard voices from the gate of the palace courtyard, and it seemed that many people were coming quickly.

Zhan Fang looked over there vigilantly, but he could see that the group of people who turned in was coming at a fast pace led by a man in white.

Recognizing that it was Tang Chu, he frowned slightly, and then stepped forward to meet him.

When he got close, before he could salute, Tang Chu waved his hand and said plainly:
"Stop kneeling, there are no such rules! Xuexue is injured, how can I ignore it!"

(End of this chapter)

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