Chapter 855 What Tang Chu Did

Finally, a tear fell, and she could no longer begrudge the tears.

That girl did not hesitate to destroy her own life and her own home in order to help her, and to help all the common people avoid a catastrophe.

But what to do?What can she do for her?
Shuang'er was still crying, and the crying gradually turned into sobbing.

They were all helpless, wondering if they should complain about their unfair fate.

Finally, the girl squatting on the ground raised her head.

The red and swollen eyes couldn't take away the childishness on her face. She was just a child who was just under fourteen. Too much suffering in her life made her cherish the few people who treated her well.

And among the few people, Yin Yao is definitely included.

"Sister." She called her tremblingly, "Why did the bad guys drag in the good guys after they died? Sister Yao'er is so good, why did she die? Sister! I'm an unclean person, why didn't God take me away? , and want to add this kind of suffering to Sister Yao’er? Sister! I don’t understand many things, I can’t understand many things. It’s like why you are different from when you were a child, like why you put I made myself so tired..."

The girl sobbed and couldn't continue, but Murong Xue had already got off the bed and hugged her, her tears were silent, but more and more violent.


A month later, another news came.

It is said that His Highness King Ling returned to the capital with the army, and the frontier people in the palace had long since disappeared. Almost at the same time as the few frontier people in Dongsheng left, he also quietly slipped away from Yanchi.

Strangely, on the day that the frontier man disappeared, Prince Dashun Tang Chu also disappeared.

Less than an hour after the news spread, Emperor Wu suddenly woke up, and the Gu on his body no longer existed.

An hour later, when Prince Dashun returned to the palace, he actually brought back the head of that frontier man himself.

(End of this chapter)

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