Chapter 863
Murong Xue understood that no matter what, that territory must be visited.

It's just that her body doesn't allow it now, and she is really worried that Dongfang Ling will go alone.

So he thought about it and said:

"How about letting Mr. Bai accompany you for a walk?"

She knew Bai Mosheng's ability, if he followed Dongfang Ling, at least she could feel at ease.

Dongfang Ling laughed all of a sudden, then shook his head and said:
"No need! I didn't go there secretly! This time, I'm going to visit the territory with the help of Prince Yanchi, and I..."

As he was talking here, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps approaching from the other end of the corridor.

She straightened up from his arms, and the two of them looked there together, but Zhan Fang could see that Zhan Fang was leading a Dashun palace official walking towards this side.

When the two of them approached and bowed, they heard the palace man say:
"His Royal Highness King Ling, Princess Luoxue! My crown prince invites you two to the front hall, saying that there are distinguished guests visiting!"


The two spoke in unison, and then Murong Xue said:

"No! Dashun's honored guest, what are we doing to join in the fun?"

The palace man possessed himself again, and then said:

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince knew that you would say that, the princess, so I asked the servant to tell you two that the distinguished guest came to Dashun to see you."

Now they can no longer refuse, not only can't refuse, but also a little curious.

Who came to Dashun just to meet them?

The two looked at each other, then got up, Dongfang Ling helped her and followed the palace man together.

They know that since they are honored as distinguished guests, they should not be enemies.

But if it's a friend, I really can't think of who it is.

Just like this, he walked all the way to the front hall with doubts, and just after turning the corner, he saw a dozen or so people dressed in foreign lands standing quietly in front of the gate of the main hall from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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