Secret Agent 3: Phoenix Dominates the World

Chapter 873 What happened to Shuang'er many years ago

Chapter 873 What happened to Shuang'er many years ago

Her words were so excited that she even trembled in the end.

Dongfang Ling had no choice but to follow her back and help her calm down.

And Na Singer seemed to know that Murong Xue would ask this question a long time ago, he turned around while being held back by her, and then looked at her, wanting to bow and salute again, but felt that he always expressed himself like this Sorry to be a bit tiresome.

He froze there, not knowing what to do.

Tang Chu also turned around at this time, this time he put away his smile, and when he looked at Singer again, he had a serious expression on his face, and said:
"That's right! Singer, you must give us an account of this matter."

Singer held up his hand, as if swearing, in a gesture that gave the impression that everything he said was true.

He says--

"Please believe me, I didn't know Dongsheng's prince before he came to me with the wish worm. But Jill did!"

He waved his hand and said:
"The man you mentioned, his name is Jill, is one of the top ten walkers in my territory. The ten walkers can freely enter and leave the territory, so his departure did not attract our attention. He was acquainted with the Prince Dongsheng and is also his Freedom. Of course, it was he who came to the border with hermitage later, so that he could bring the God of Wishes to me. And the reason why he moved Lingmei, I did check after hearing about it. The reason..."

He looked at Murong Xue, swallowed subconsciously, and said:
"The reason is that he simply arrested the wrong person! Jill said that Yin Yi begged him to bring back a woman, and he described her appearance and gave him a portrait. According to what he said, that day when you went out of the house together, Yin Yi arranged for someone to throw fireworks , created an opportunity for him to rob someone. Unfortunately, he mistook Shuang'er...for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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