Chapter 886 Prince Charming
The letter from Dongfang Ling didn't have any important content. The main idea was that I miss you, you are almost fine, you should come back, and so on.

The woman repacked the letter with a smile and put it away, then raised another letter in her hand, and told Zhan Fang——

"Go and write back to your emperor, just say that I can go back in three months!"

Zhan Fang was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up to Lao Gao with joy, turned around and ran away with a promise.

Only then did Murong Xue turn her eyes back to the letter she was holding in her hand.

It was written by Tang Chu, simple and clear——

"Don't be in a hurry to get married. The dowry that my brother will give you will be ready in more than a month. Then I will personally send you over!"


A few days later, Empress Dashun took Murong Xue on an east tour.

That is the direction of the former Dongsheng, and half of it has been included in the land of Dashun.

Tang Chu hasn't returned to the palace for nearly two years. She only knows that he has been with Qian Dongsheng all the time, but she doesn't know what he is up to.

In these several letters, Tang Chu finally made it clear that he was preparing a dowry for her, but he never mentioned what the dowry was.

When the group arrived at their destination, they saw Tang Chu riding a white horse waving towards them from a distance.

I haven't seen him for two years, he seems to be more mature and taller.

Still dressed in white with a white horse, four words immediately came into Murong Xue's mind: Prince Charming!
"Xuexue!" His voice finally came, "Xuexue, you are finally here!"

"Hmph!" A soft hum came from Empress Dashun's nose, and then she pulled Murong Xue, and said very dissatisfied: "It's useless to have a son! Say hello to his mother first, it's useless." Conscience! He really shouldn't have been born!"

"It's too late!" the emperor whispered.

Murong Xuemo!

(End of this chapter)

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