The city is full of Yellow Turbans

Chapter 370, White Horse Zhao Yun

Chapter 370, White Horse Zhao Yun

Dian Wei's iron halberd danced wildly, chirping and chattering, regardless of three seven and twenty one, smashing wildly, it would hurt you if you hit it, and you would die if you hit it. As Dian Wei rushed to kill bravely, stumps flew in the air and blood spattered everywhere .
Looking behind Dianwei, there are piles of corpses, none of them intact, all of them have been smashed into meat sauce, their heads were smashed, or their breastbone was smashed. Even if their parents were present, they probably wouldn’t be able to recognize their own children. appearance.

Zhang Fei's Snake Spear is like a gust of wind and rain, picking or stabbing or sweeping or smashing, powerful strange power, and the speed of a gust of wind. Although there are many enemy soldiers, in Zhang Fei's eyes, they are like grass, and no one is his enemy. Zhang Fei rode his horse and charged wildly, corpses flying around in front of him, flesh and blood flying everywhere, as if entering an uninhabited land.

Sha Moke, Tie Tribulus, is domineering, and his moves are powerful and heavy. Although he is young, his strength is not weak at all. He followed the same route as Pei Yuanshao's Mabao in the past, that is, he will drop ten times with one force, and his moves are like a tiger descending a mountain. , fierce and domineering, merciless, ping-ping-pong-pong, weapons in the air making chaotic noises, when they hit the Shamoko's blade, they were either knocked into the air or smashed to pieces on the spot, and some bandit soldiers were even knocked out by Shamoko. The barbed terrier hit the brain, smashing the person alive like a tree stump into the ground, with amazing explosive power, extraordinary.

Yu Jin is weird and flexible, and his moves are quick, just the opposite of Sha Moke. He uses cleverness to defeat the enemy and takes a sensitive route, but his lethality is not weak at all.

Qianyun Ridge!
Jia Xu led 2 troops to ambush Liu Bei, but he did not have the upper hand. After a fierce fight, the Yellow Turban soldiers lacked stamina, and the Xiliang soldiers took advantage of the situation to counterattack and were defeated.

how so?Among all the Yellow Turban Army, Xu Feng's subordinates are brave and good at fighting, followed by the Black Mountain Army led by Zhang Yan, and the Baibo Army is slightly inferior.

Although Zuo Xiao Zhang Niujiao was brave and fearless, the soldiers under his tent were in a state of disarray. Once they were stuck in a stalemate, they lost their energy.

"Hehe, Jia Xu, it's in vain that you are good at intrigue and exhaustive strategies. Why, today is not a disastrous defeat. It is still too late to surrender, otherwise, your heads will fall, and no one will be left behind." Looking at there are only more than 1000 people left. Liu Bei smiled proudly at Jia Xu, the yellow turban soldier who was a remnant soldier.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!" Jia Xu sighed lightly, with a slight look of disappointment on his face.

"Mr. Jia, I'm sorry today, but don't worry, I will fight to the death to protect Mr. to break through."

"How dare rice grains compete with Haoyue, kill and leave no one behind." Liu Bei smiled coldly, and waved his hands to give the order to kill.

More than 1 Xiliang cavalry lined up again and charged the remnants of the Yellow Turbans.

The iron cavalry came in bursts, like a strong wind blowing the ground, covering the sky with dust, with extraordinary momentum and astonishing murderous aura. Once the Xiliang iron cavalry charged, these yellow turban miscellaneous soldiers could not resist at all.

"My lord, I'm sorry Jia Xu, I've let you down again." Jia Xu gritted her teeth and said with shame on her face.

The one-sided charge followed one after another of the Yellow Turban soldiers fell to the ground and died tragically. It was about to come to an end. Suddenly, the horse stepped on the bell in the distance, and a snow-white white dragon horse flew over. The white dragon horse was covered in snow and had no hair , like snow-white satin, the white jade is crystal clear, shining brightly, exuding an astonishing aura from top to bottom.

The white horse came in the rain, and the heavy rain fell on the horse's back, which was spotless, showing how fast the horse ran.

Sitting on the white horse is a young general, with a silver helmet and a plain white robe, a bright silver gun in his palm, a white face like jade, sword eyebrows and sculpted eyes, handsome and elegant, with extraordinary looks.

One person and one rider are like one body, the horse is galloping like flying, the person is as stable as Mount Tai, the silver gun is cold and dazzling, and the pouring rain is pouring down. It is like a sword ready to go, if it is not sheathed, it will kill someone, and it will make people terrified.

"Is it a yellow scarf?"

The young white-robed general Pegasus came up to him, looking at the yellow turban soldiers who were constantly being eaten away, his face flashed coldly, he slowly raised his silver spear in his hand, shouted sharply, and the white horse under his crotch galloped knowingly, rushing towards the opposite A Xiliang soldier, a boy in white with a silver spear sails out to sea, silently, like a glimpse, the throat of a Xiliang soldier was pierced in a flash of lightning, and with a strong wrist, the huge man was directly picked up by the boy in white stand up.

"Who are you?"

Seeing a strange young man appearing suddenly, both sides of the battle were stunned at the same time.

"I am Zhao Zilong from Changshan! Dare I ask where General Xu is?"

The white-robed boy shouted sharply, and the soldiers around were stunned, "Changshan Zhao Zilong?"I haven't heard of it, but everyone in Changshan Zhao Yun has heard rumors that he is one of the five tiger generals under Xu Feng's command, and he once picked up the ruthless man who defeated the peerless fierce general Huang Zhong.

"May I ask if the little general is Changshan Zhao Yun?" Jia Xu showed joy, and vaguely guessed the boy's origin.

"It's a certain family, who are you?"

Zhao Yun brandished his silver spear and kept picking and killing the Xiliang soldiers who were blocking him, while asking Jia Xu.

"A certain is Xu Feng's military adviser, Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe. It turns out that General Zhao Yun has come. It is really gratifying to congratulate. This group of officers and soldiers is Liu Bei's team. Liu Bei is going to lead his troops to Hulao Pass to intercept and kill the lord. I stop here, unfortunately..."

Before Jia Xu finished speaking, Zhao Yun had galloped into the enemy's formation, turning the Xiliang Iron Cavalry's people on their backs as if they had entered an uninhabited land. The silver guns were like dragons, the white horses were like snow, the spears were elegant, and the man was even more handsome and romantic. Zhao Yun was like a god coming down to earth In general, he was strolling in the enemy's line, with elegant shots and strange marksmanship, like a skilled craftsman, swaying and rushing at will, but there is no trace of cruelty and blood on him, as if everything is so beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Jia Xu stared blankly, as expected of the flying tiger general under the lord's tent, he is really amazing, at such a young age, he has such superb marksmanship.

"Changshan Zhao Yun?"

Seeing that Jia Xu was about to be annihilated, a young general was suddenly killed, and he was so amazing, Liu Bei was stunned. I have to say that sometimes one eye is not enough, Liu Bei's right eye is like Tongling , dumbfounded, stupid.

How could it be possible for a young general to kill the elite soldiers under his tent and turn them back on their backs, and they couldn't help but collapse.

"There is only one person on the other side, don't be afraid, go together and kill Zhao Yun for me." Seeing that Xiliang's soldiers kept collapsing, Liu Bei hastily shouted angrily.

There was a violent interlacing sound of gold and spears, and Zhao Yun shot away several long spears in front of him. His body was like a gecko, and he stuck to the horse's back sensitively.
The silver spear dragon went out to sea, the tip of the spear pierced with lightning, the white light flashed, followed by a puff, as if piercing a carrot with a toothpick, there was almost no sound.
 Guess that Xu Feng's friends surrounded by aristocratic families in the battle of the tiger prison are all good?Xu Feng has all the princes in a nest, and the family will definitely take action, hehe, the writing is not good, but Xiaoyao will do his best.Zhao Zinong made his debut, and we look forward to your support.

(End of this chapter)

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