Chapter 106 One sentence cost 1 lives 8
Chapter 86 1 Sentence Killed 8 People

I was bored in my heart, and I didn't think so much, but I replied impatiently: "It's dereliction of duty!"

He is the king, so he can deal with it as he wants, why ask me?I'm not the emperor, and I didn't set the law, and I don't know how it is stipulated here. I don't understand discipline...

Besides, they were on duty tonight, and they didn't even notice that the assassin came in. Afterwards, they let the assassin slip away successfully, and let the king face the assassin almost naked in public. That would be a big shame. ugly.But I can see that he didn't take this matter to heart, probably because he is too thick-skinned, or because he is used to being naked in front of everyone, so he doesn't care.

Little did I know that as soon as my casual words fell, the people kneeling on the ground collectively kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Ah? Your Majesty, please forgive me... Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

"Come on!"

I was startled, what is this for?
But seeing "hula la" breaking into a group of people from outside, the stinky fart king waved his hand without looking at it: "Take it down, and the Fa will be rectified on the spot, and hang the head on the Xuanyuan Gate, as a warning to others!"

"Ah—" I exclaimed in surprise, so I'm going to kill them?It must be too cruel! "Your Majesty, don't——" I couldn't help pleading for them, but the Stinky Fart King was unmoved. He waved his hand, hurriedly moved, and rang out in an orderly manner. In less than a minute, he knelt on the ground All the people were taken out.

It seemed that they already knew that begging for mercy was useless, so no one begged for mercy anymore.

I watched all this in shock, but saw some of them looking at me resentfully, it made my soul tremble!
"Evil devil! You are a murderous devil without batting an eye! Even if they did fail in their duties today, they have done a good job in protecting you in the past. How can you ignore their lives because of a single mistake? In your eyes, life is so precious. Are they even worse than ants?"

I lost control and sat up excitedly, forgetting the pain in my neck, and said so many words in one breath.

Butt King was a bit cold-blooded, and sneered almost dismissively: "There is nothing in the world that is not mine! I have the absolute right to do this! Huh! Besides, some mistakes are unforgivable, and you must sacrifice your life." The price! Besides, you asked me to kill them!"

I was so angry that my chest twitched for a while, but I was suppressed by force.Pointing at him with trembling fingers, he said, " are despicable! You just want to kill them yourself, and you have to borrow my hand, are really an evil devil!"

He tilted his head to meet my angry eyes, but my anger was instantly frozen into ice by him.His eyes were so cold, I unconsciously silenced my voice, but saw him approaching me with a stiff face, and said without warmth: "Don't think that if I treat you well, you can be unscrupulous! In my eyes, Only obedience and obedience, if you don't want to live, I have countless ways to make your wish come true!"

(End of this chapter)

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