The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 108: Breaking into the Palace at Night to Deliver Medicine 2

Chapter 108: Breaking into the Palace at Night to Deliver Medicine 2
Chapter 87 Breaking into the palace at night to deliver medicine

In fact, I wondered in my heart whether he was that young master, because I could tell from his attire that he was the one who saved me that night just like the stinky bat, as if he was someone who Ziyu called him "Night Palace" Bar.

It's just that I was thinking just now, it would be great if the young master came, but now he is standing in front of you, isn't this a dream?How can there be such a good thing?Besides, how would he know that I was injured...

So under so many questions, I had no choice but to treat him as a stranger.

I couldn't see his face, but I could only smell his faint smile, "Feifei, you are so forgetful. Last time I was in Xiuyaxuan, I saved you. How did you forget about your savior so quickly?"

I was secretly startled, he yelled Fei Fei so smoothly, it seemed like he was used to it every day.

But at the moment, his face didn't change, he just smiled awkwardly: "So it's really you, I'm afraid it's a dream, so I dare not guess casually. In fact, I still guessed it was you in my heart. By the way, you How do you know I'm here? You said you came to see me, why?"

"Well, I have someone guarding you, so I know everything about you. How is your injury? Let me see..." As I said that, I leaned over and put my hand between my neck. Shrinking, he froze sensitively in mid-air, only a few centimeters away from my neck.

He kept his posture unchanged, but asked gently in his mouth: "What's the matter? Are you afraid of me?"

Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind, the tone was so familiar, as if someone had said that to me... I tilted my head and thought for a long time, guessing all the people I know, Cousin Murong is indeed so gentle , but he is definitely not so ruthless, he killed people in Xiuyaxuan that night without blinking an eye, how can I look at my little angel.Although the pervert is gentle, he is the kind of rogue-like gentleness. Besides, he doesn't have to dress up like this to save me, and the man in black, Ziyu, is not. That night in Xiuyaxuan, he was the same as this girl The Lord appeared at the same time... Who could it be?If it's someone I don't know, why is there this familiarity?Ouch, I have a headache...

Turning your mind to look at him, he still maintains that posture.Look at his whole body in black clothes and black hat, I have never seen his real face, for strangers, everyone has a heart of defense in their hearts.But after all, it's hard to say it out, so I had to hide it in embarrassment: "Hey, no. It's just that I've never seen you before, and I think you're weird."

He just said to send someone to guard me, didn't he?This is the palace, it sounds like his own home.Besides, if someone is standing by my side, why is there no one to give an early warning when the assassin comes?And it hurt me...

ah?Oops, could the assassin belong to them?

That's right, the stinky bat that killed me last time was dressed like this, and when I was rescued by him in the brothel, he once said that he couldn't take me away because someone ordered him to trap me in the brothel.Could it be that someone here was ordered to kill me again?

The more I think about it, the more I am right, I dare to say that the assassin came to kill me, not that stinking fart king, but I got him involved.But why?Why are they trying to kill me?I don't have anything on me, the only ring is given to me by the pervert...

In a flash of thought, the young master withdrew his hand, and in a daze, there was already a bottle of medicine in his hand, "You take this medicine, take it in the morning and evening, and the swelling will subside soon."
Next episode preview:

Chapter 88 How did I get poisoned?

(End of this chapter)

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