Chapter 114 Kidnapped by the Bad Princess

Chapter 91 Kidnapped by the Bad Princess

A wave of anger surged in Mo Ming's heart, but he hummed it unconsciously. "Hmph! Shameless stallion! Asking what love is in the world, it turns out that it is only called giving birth to children!"

"Oh, little master, keep your voice down, it will be miserable for the king to hear you!" The little eunuch Fu Hai was speechless when he scolded the king just now for being able to survive. He who lived to see the sun.Apparently I have become a myth in his mind, seeing that my bad temper still persists, he couldn't help but warn me.

I cast a glance at him, and smiled sweetly, "don't worry, father-in-law, he's busy right now, so he doesn't have time to listen to my disrespect." After saying that, I ignored him and walked straight out of the hall.

The medicine given by the young master in black yesterday was very effective, and he was much better now after eating and taking it, but there was a thumb-sized black spot on his neck, which at first glance looked like a passion. What about the mark after the kiss?But it should go away completely in one night.

The sun was shining outside the hall, the flowers were fragrant and the trees were ravishing. The unhappiness in my heart was illuminated by the sun, and suddenly became clear. I took a few deep breaths and felt refreshed.It's just that I'm so hungry, I should have grabbed a few pastries when I came out just now, otherwise I would have to escape the palace without strength.

I struggled fiercely with my thoughts, and decided to go back and steal a piece of pad to pad my stomach.Now that fart king should still be pampering Ye Qianqian, he shouldn't wake up so soon in the gentle town.

"Well, let's do it this way." He made a decision on his own, turned around and was about to go back, but unexpectedly, a large dark cloud shrouded his head, and suddenly he seemed to be put in a bag, and then his body lightened, The person with his head down was on his shoulders, and the world was spinning, feeling like he was running up and down.

Uh, mom, I was dizzy from hunger on an empty stomach, but after being tossed like this, the acid water in my stomach flowed back, and I became dizzy for a while like a torrent of rivers and seas.It took a long time to catch his breath, and he even forgot to shout for help. Just as he adjusted his breathing, his body was suddenly thrown up, and with a "snap", he was thrown heavily on the ground.

"Ouch!" I cried out in pain, Mom, my butt must have been broken in half.

"Hula", the bag on the head was uncovered, and a male voice knelt down and replied: "Princess Qi, someone brought it here."

Another delicate voice said lightly: "Well, go down and receive the reward."

"Yes, thank you princess for the reward."

Princess?Ouch, shouldn't it be the nemesis bad boy?

A Jiling raised his head, his eyes flickered, and then he focused on one piece. He saw that this was a very delicately furnished palace, everywhere was pink.Pink palace lanterns, pink gauze curtains, pink carpets, pink shoes... Uh, looking along those pink shoes, I saw a very delicate little beauty, wearing a pink snow suit. She was sitting comfortably on the upper seat in a pleated princess dress pinched at the waist, holding a cup of tea in her hand, and was sipping carefully.

Obediently!This child is really beautiful like a jade peck carved in pink, but those red phoenix eyes are looking at me, I tremble all over, oh my god, what a brat!
(End of this chapter)

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